plenary speech

Title: From Interaction to Integration: Spatial Revolution in Human-System Collaboration

Abstract: In the contemporary landscape of industrial operations, where large and complex manually operated systems dominate sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, and mining, the challenge of coordination and efficient decision-making is increasingly pronounced. Traditional reliance on spreadsheets and text-based information systems has proven inadequate for rapid decision-making, imposing high cognitive loads on operators. This complexity necessitates highly educated personnel, despite the fundamental simplicity of the operations that could be managed by operators with less specialized training. This plenary speech delves into the paradigm shift from interaction to integration in human-system collaboration, highlighting the inadequacies of conventional information systems and the transformative potential of spatially illustrated information. It emphasizes how the human brain, evolutionarily tuned to process spatial information with remarkable efficiency, can benefit from the visualization of data in a form that reduces cognitive demand and enhances operational efficiency. At the forefront of this revolution are advancements in digital-twin and industrial IoT technologies, which have matured to a point where they can accurately observe, simulate, and predict the outcomes of complex processes in a spatially meaningful manner. We spotlight the MaxWhere software as a pioneering real-time 3D IoT framework that enables the creation of operational centers. These centers allow human operators to supervise and interact with processes in an immersive environment, potentially even from remote locations, thereby breaking down geographical and cognitive barriers to effective system management. Moreover, our discussion extends to the suitability of these advanced systems for exploring, investigating, and training personnel for unusual or hazardous situations that would be impractical or dangerous to replicate in reality. Through a blend of technological insights and biological understanding, our talk aims to showcase real applications and demonstrate the profound impact of integrating spatially oriented information systems into the fabric of human-system collaboration. By charting the evolution from traditional, linear information processing to a more integrated and intuitive spatial framework, we propose a future where human cognitive strengths are leveraged to their fullest potential, leading to enhanced efficiency, safety, and adaptability in complex operational environments.



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